Documentary about a newly discovered creature on planet earth. Narrated in the style of David Attenborough’s Life, Planet Earth and Madagascar.
Stopmotion animation, using plasticine for the creatures and food for the background/set
Scene 1
-Globe model made out of plasticine that starts rotating as the sunlight reveals the title of the documentary ‘’Meaning of Life’’
Scene 2
- Camera pans across set revealing the whole area from a birds eye view.
Scene 3
- More camera pans across the set with some close ups of the area as the narration begins describing the habitat of the creature.
Scene 4
-Title of the episode appears across the screen (not yet decided), then fades away to reveal (narrated by tatty Attenborough).
Scene 6
- Camera zooms into the habitat of the recently discovered creature (name of creature not yet decided) whilst narrator introduces the creature and its habitat.
Scene 7
- Different camera shots of the creature gathering food and feeding on other creatures. Narrator talks about the up coming mating season for the creature and how the male has to collect food to impress the females.
Scene 8
- Creature celebrates its success with finding lots of food and gets drunk off some fruit. Narrator explains how the fruit to the creature is like alcohol to humans.
Scene 9
- Camera shots of the creature performing drunken activities similar to humans. Screen fades to black
Scene 10
- Morning rises, as the creature emerges out of its den hung-over. A female approaches, and the creature falls flat on its face passed out. Female looks disappointed and walks off. Narrator explains that the female was the only chance the creature would have in 10 years and he blew it.
Scene 11
- Camera pans from the creature out to a shot of the globe. Producer’s names fade across the screen. End.